Wilberfoss Parish Plan 2020


So, what is a Parish Plan? 

A Parish Plan is a community-led document that tackles important issues and could offer suggestions on how your Parish can change for the better. The last Wilberfoss Parish Plan was completed in 2008 and remarkably 68% of households in the village contributed by completing a questionnaire similar to this one. As a result of those responses, Wilberfoss has seen some positive changes.  A private day nursery was built, and a litter picker was employed by the Parish Council. In addition, we secured land for allotments and Wilberfoss Allotments Association and Wilberfoss in Bloom were formed (and continue to thrive). 

On top of this, a parish website was developed and subsequently upgraded, the Sports Pavilion was extensively refurbished, the Junior Football Club gained charter status and the playing fields have been protected in perpetuity. Four new litter bins and 2 new streetlight were installed and that number has increased since then. This proves how important it is to come together as a community and make plans! 

Please complete this questionnaire as a household. Responses are anonymous. We value your honest opinions and we hope this questionnaire will provoke household discussions about Wilberfoss village life!

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